Kelly Rhoades' Digital Portfolio
March 2011 has been a crazy, weird month.

But, it's Comm Week!

I had my mock interview yesterday, it went great! I worried for no reason! Of course she asked what I believed my weakness was, I hate that question!

I went to the call center where we had supervisor interviews since the GA, Laura Disantis, and I will be leaving and Amanda Sirak, another supervisor, is there for only the fall semester.

I went to my internship and to Green and White Society, where we presented big fake checks, like publishers clearing house, to the two winners. They were so excited, it's nice to know that you influenced someone's education so much and changed their lives.

I worked on my campaigns class proposals also with two members of my group and got them done.

Today, Lambda Pi Eta had a bake sale in spirit of Comm Week! It went really well, we sold all of our cookies! My Spanish

Tomorrow I have two more interviews for the supervisor positions, my internship and my campaigns night class.

Friday is the Comm Week Gala, so exciting! I'm going to go to bed since I have an 8 a.m. tomorrow morning! Good night!

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