Kelly Rhoades' Digital Portfolio
Surprisingly, I finished all of my homework that I had over spring break.

Today, I had one interview for Green and White Society. We are in the middle of our recruitment process, which is pretty rigorous for being a student organization.

During Phase I, students have to fill out an application and attach a response to two questions we ask, it cannot be longer than one page. Then the Recruitment Committee scores them and depending on how many applicants we have, we usually make a cut there. Phase II is student interviews, which is where we are now. We also make some cuts here as well. Our final phase, Phase III, is called a social critique. We invite all the students who have made it to the last round and divide them into groups. We have them interact with current GW ambassadors and then do team building exercises. This helps us get to know what type of leader and person they are through activities. We also have them go through scenarios, which are my specialty and favorite part of Phase III. As ambassadors, interacting with alumni who may be upset with the university is always something we have to be aware of. So that is one of our scenarios. Current ambassadors act out scenes and the students have to act as ambassadors. It's also a great way to see how they interact under pressure and how well they think on their toes.

After that, I went to the eye doctor, which is always a treat. I went to a place in Grove City, because it was going to be a hassel to go home. The guy did a glaucoma test, but instead of being a puff of air, he put drops in that numbed my eyes, more drops to dilate my eyes and then put this orange dye in my eyes. It felt so weird, and since I forgot my glasses and couldn't have my contacts in, I couldn't see anything. So then he had me put new contacts in which felt weird, but only because my eyes were numb and dilated. He said I could drive home, but I definitely shouldn't have driven. The sun was way too bright for my dilated pupils and I didn't bring any sunglasses.

I was almost late for my Lambda Pi Eta meeting, but fortunately I wasn't. We talked about Comm Week and promoting it to students are undecided. We set a date to decorate the Comm floor and when we wanted our bake sale to be during Comm week. Organizations were asked to set up little games for people to play the Thursday during Comm Week, so we think we are going to have darts with balloons and give out small prizes. I'm not sure what they could even be yet.

Now I'm getting ready to go to Organizational Communication. It's always an interesting class.

Tomorrow I have to work at Old Navy all day, but afterward I get to go to dinner with my friend, Katie!

Hopefully the weather starts looking up!

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